
For more information or to ask an estimate, please fill in this contact form and we will reply to your within 24 hours during working days.

Our Leadership

Maxime Gicquel

Maxime Gicquel


Experience in business recovery and resumption of investments. 20 years as general manager in various sectors including 9 years in the watchmaking sector ssss

Jean-Michel Uhl

Jean-Michel Uhl


Experience in business recovery and resumption of investments. 20 years as general manager in various sectors including 9 years in the watchmaking sector ssss

Address & Info

Butech SA
Route de la Transjurane 20B
2855 Glovelier Switzerland

Entrance and parking are from the rear of the building, via Rue des Places.


Butech is able to work with all type of materials, dimensions and quantities with precision and best quality.

Products & Services
 Products & Services